Friday, May 18, 2018

Thoughts for the day!

I lay awake most nights just thinking about random issues and ideas.  So I thought "what the hell, I'll just start a blog".  I am not tech savvy or whatever you call it, but I am gonna give it a go.  Who knows?  It may bring a smile or even encourage some folks who read it.  It might even piss some people off.  It is what it is!  This is mostly just for myself!  Call it therapy I guess.  I was really disturbed this morning to find out that my beautiful home of Texas had a school shooting!  My thought on all this violence from the kids these days is that parents are raising a bunch of little snowflakes that get butt hurt too easily!  Everybody wants to blame it on lack of gun control but I blame it on lack of discipline!  Kids these days are just a bunch of cry babies!  When someone tried bullying me back when I was younger, I'd beat the brakes off 'em and move on!  I did not wanna go shoot up the school or take any lives!  I raise my kids with a bible and an ass whooping!  Kids are like horses in some ways.  Some horses wanna buck you off, so every time they put that head down to try, put a good ole pine knot between them ears enough times and they will stop!  Kids wanna start "bucking", then put a stripe on that ass!  I am not saying to beat your children, but they need guidance.  If your kids ain't a little scared of you then you ain't doing it right!  My boys, and I have four of 'em, know I love them, but they will also tell you that they are scared of me too!  Damn right!  Quit trying to be your kids best bud and be a PARENT!!!!  I am also the mother of an autistic son.  He has been bullied his whole life, but never has he thought about taking a life over it.  He loves the Lord and will tell anyone that he is perfect in God's eyes because he was made in His image!  Yeah it hurts his feelings but he sucks it up and goes on about his day.  This mama ain't raising a bunch of snowflakes!  I'm raising men!  Anyhow, that is just my opinion, and those are like assholes...everybody has one!  Goodnight and God bless!  

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